Top "Ng-modules" questions

Angular NgModule is a class marked by the @NgModule decorator.

Karma unit testing error: Unexpected value imported by the module. Please add a @NgModule annotation

I've created a fresh new component via: ng g mytest1 Then I changed the constructor line to this: constructor(private …

angular unit-testing electron karma-jasmine ng-modules
How to correctly import FormGroup in NgModule in Angular 2

I try to import FromGroup, FormBuilder and FormControl to my CustomModule: import { FormsModule, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; @NgModule({ imports: [ …

angular import angular2-forms ng-modules
Many Modules using the same component causes error - Angular 2

I have a shared component called GoComponent that I want to use in 2 modules: FindPageModule and AddPageModule. When I add …

angular ng-modules
Error : No Component Factory Found. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

I am trying to create a popover on my Home Page.So I have created following function.. public presentPopover(myEvent) { …

angular ionic3 uipopovercontroller ng-modules
What is @NgModule actually in Angular?

I am new to Angular 2. What is @NgModule actually in Angular 2? I referred through the official documentation by the Angular. …

angular ng-modules
module declares component locally, but it is not exported

i have created a shared module and declared & exported the component i need in other modules. import { NgModule } from …

angular typescript ionic-framework ionic4 ng-modules
Angular 2 - Unexpected Module declared by AppModule

I am new to angular and trying to separate my modules in Angular2 app having the following directory structure. I …

angular routing ng-modules
How can i export a class to module and import the same in another module in typescript with angular

I have a class(IGeneric) which is exported to the module A and I imported that Module(A) in module …

angular typescript angular2-forms ng-modules
Routing between Modules in Angular

I'm building simple angular application. There are two modules as student and teacher. Here is how my project organized. First …

angular angular-routing ng-modules
How to export const with NgModule

I have one constant which should be usable by other modules importing mine. I have Datepicker directive which has defined …

angular typescript datepicker angular5 ng-modules