How to correctly import FormGroup in NgModule in Angular 2

Adrien Castagliola picture Adrien Castagliola · Oct 26, 2016 · Viewed 30.8k times · Source

I try to import FromGroup, FormBuilder and FormControl to my CustomModule:

import { FormsModule, FormGroup }   from '@angular/forms';

  imports: [

But it throws an error:

EXCEPTION: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Unexpected value 'FormGroup' imported by the module 'CustomModule'

If i only import FormsModule it works fine though.

Any ideas?


Stefan Svrkota picture Stefan Svrkota · Oct 26, 2016

You can't add FormGroup to module's imports, just import it in the component in which you want to use FormGroup. You can only add MODULES to module's imports. Also, if you want to use FormGroup directive, you will need to import ReactiveFormsModule in your module:

  imports: [