Top "Netcdf" questions

NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a binary file format for storing array-oriented scientific data.

Plotting a smooth curve in matplotlib graphs

I am reading a netcdf file using python and need to plot a graphs using matplotlib library in python. The …

python matplotlib netcdf
How to get the parent node name of the current node?

what's the right syntax to get the current node's parent node's name? I know it's about the AxisName parent but …

xslt xpath netcdf ncml
Import netCDF file to Pandas dataframe

Merry Christmas! I am still very new to Python and Pandas, so any help is appreciated. I am trying to …

python dataframe pandas netcdf
Opinions on NetCDF vs HDF5 for storing scientific data?

Anyone out there have enough experience w/ NetCDF and HDF5 to give some pluses / minuses about them as a way …

hdf5 netcdf
R: Write RasterStack and preserve layer names

I have a raster stack, stk, consisting of three raster images in R. Here is a simple example # set up …

r raster netcdf geotiff
netcdf4 extract for subset of lat lon

I would like to extract a spatial subset of a rather large netcdf file. From Loop through netcdf files and …

python netcdf nco cdo-climate
Combine multiple NetCDF files into timeseries multidimensional array python

I am using data from multiple netcdf files (in a folder on my computer). Each file holds data for the …

python netcdf nco cdo-climate
R - Plotting netcdf climate data

I have been trying plot the following gridded netcdf file: "" found at the following website: http://www.esrl.…

r maps netcdf
Converting NetCDF to GRIB2

I know there is software like wgrib2 that will convert files in grib and grib2 format to NetCDF files, but …

python netcdf grib cdo-climate
Convert NetCDF file to CSV or text using Python

I'm trying to convert a netCDF file to either a CSV or text file using Python. I have read this …

python csv text netcdf netcdf4