Top "Cdo-climate" questions

netcdf4 extract for subset of lat lon

I would like to extract a spatial subset of a rather large netcdf file. From Loop through netcdf files and …

python netcdf nco cdo-climate
Combine multiple NetCDF files into timeseries multidimensional array python

I am using data from multiple netcdf files (in a folder on my computer). Each file holds data for the …

python netcdf nco cdo-climate
Converting NetCDF to GRIB2

I know there is software like wgrib2 that will convert files in grib and grib2 format to NetCDF files, but …

python netcdf grib cdo-climate
How to take a subset from a netCDF file using latitude/longitude boundaries in R

I have a netCDF file that I wish to extract a subset from defined by latitude/longitude boundaries (i.e. …

r subset latitude-longitude netcdf cdo-climate
Is there a way to crop a NETCDF file?

Imagine that you have a file, that has wind data defined in 90N, 90S, 180E, 180W region. Is …

linux netcdf nco cdo-climate