Top "Netcdf" questions

NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a binary file format for storing array-oriented scientific data.

Cannot install netCDF4 python package on OS X

I'm trying to install netCDF4 on OS X with pip install netCDF4 and I am getting the following error: ------------------------------------------------------------ /…

python pip netcdf
How to take a subset from a netCDF file using latitude/longitude boundaries in R

I have a netCDF file that I wish to extract a subset from defined by latitude/longitude boundaries (i.e. …

r subset latitude-longitude netcdf cdo-climate
python netcdf: making a copy of all variables and attributes but one

I need to process a single variable in a netcdf file that actually contains many attributes and variable. I think …

python netcdf
How can I install netcdf4-python to ubuntu14.04?

I would like to install netcdf4-python to my Ubuntu14.04. The libhdf5-dev_1.8.11_5ubuntu7_amd64.deb and libnetcdf-4.1.3-7ubuntu2_…

python ubuntu-14.04 netcdf
how to install R packages "RNetCDF" and "ncdf" on Ubuntu?

I would like to use the R packages RNetCDF and ncdf in Ubuntu. When I try install.packages('RNetCDF') or …

r installation deb netcdf
Error when trying to import NetCDF to R

I' struggeling to open a NetCDF file in R. When I try to open it with library(ncdf) # read in …

r netcdf data-import
Installing Anaconda Python, pyhdf, and netcdf4 for windows 64 bit

I am pretty new to python and programming , all self taught. I started a new position late last year requiring …

python numpy module netcdf pyhdf
check library version netcdf linux

how do I determine which version of the netcdf library is installed in my system? Is there a command line? …

linux ubuntu netcdf
Install ncdf4 package: Error, nc-config not found or not executable

I have tried to install ncdf4 package. I have R version 3.1.1. The problem seems to be finding the nc-config. If …

r netcdf
Extracting data from netCDF by python

I am new to using Python and also new to NetCDF, so apologies if I'm unclear. I have an nc …

python netcdf netcdf4