Top "Netcdf" questions

NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a binary file format for storing array-oriented scientific data.

Python : Replacing Values in netcdf file using netCDF4

I have a netcdf file with several values < 0. I would like to replace all of them with a single …

python netcdf python-xarray nco
Loop through netcdf files and run calculations - Python or R

This is my first time using netCDF and I'm trying to wrap my head around working with it. I have …

python r netcdf
How to extract variable names from a netCDF file in R?

I am writing a function in R to extract some air quality modelling data from netCDF files. I have the …

r netcdf variable-names
Handling very large netCDF files in python

I am trying to work with data from very large netCDF files (~400 Gb each). Each file has a few variables, …

python numpy netcdf
convert csv to netcdf

I am trying to convert a .csv file to a netCDF4 via Python but I am having trouble figuring out …

python csv netcdf
Convert NetCDF (.nc) to GEOTIFF

I have .nc file sizing around 300MB with a couple of datasets (TEMP, DEWPOINT) forecast data. I need to convert (…

python gis gdal netcdf geotiff
Extract time series of a point ( lon, lat) from netCDF in R

I am relatively new on R. I am trying to get time series of different points ( lat, lon) of temperature …

r extract netcdf
How to visualize a map from a netcdf file?

I have a netcdf file that I would like to just visualize the soil depth map [1] "file C:\\Users\\SoilDepth-gswp.…

r dictionary ggplot2 netcdf
Convert netcdf to image

I have a netcdf file that I would like to convert to an image (joed, png, gif) using a command …

python netcdf
Compiling Fortran netCDF programs on Ubuntu

Ok, newb question here. I'm trying to compile simple_xy_wr.f90 -- a netCDF example program -- using gfortran …

fortran netcdf