I have a netcdf file with several values < 0. I would like to replace all of them with a single value (say -1). How do I do that using netCDF4? I am reading in the file like this:
import netCDF4
dset = netCDF4.Dataset('test.nc')
dset[dset.variables['var'] < 0] = -1
If you want to keep the data in the netCDF variable object, this should work:
import netCDF4
dset = netCDF4.Dataset('test.nc', 'r+')
dset['var'][:][dset['var'][:] < 0] = -1
dset.close() # if you want to write the variable back to disk
If you don't want to write back to disk, go ahead and just get the numpy array and slice/assign to it:
data = dset['sea_ice_cover'][:] # data is a numpy array
data[data < 0] = -1