Top "Nashorn" questions

Nashorn is an open-source, JVM-based JavaScript engine.

Switching from Rhino to Nashorn

I have a Java 7 project which makes a lot of use of Javascript for scripting various features. Until now I …

rhino java-8 nashorn
Should I use a separate ScriptEngine and CompiledScript instances per each thread?

My program uses Java Scripting API and can eval some scripts concurrently. They don't use shared script objects, Bindings or …

java multithreading nashorn jsr223
Java8 JS Nashorn convert array to Java array

How can I convert JS array to native array ? In Rhino conversion looked like (Scala code): val eng = (new javax.…

javascript arrays scala nashorn
JMeter Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release

When I run JMeter 5.1.1 recently downloaded, I see many times in terminal window: Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be …

javascript java jmeter nashorn deprecation-warning
Secure Nashorn JS Execution

How can I securely execute some user supplied JS code using Java8 Nashorn? The script extends some computations for some …

java javascript nashorn
Java, nashorn accessing another js file

Is it possible to include one js from another with java nashorn engine? ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("Nashorn"); InputStreamReader …

java javascript scope nashorn
How can I start coding with Oracle's Nashorn JS Engine and when will it replace Rhino in the OpenJDK?

I'm looking for a way to start playing around with Oracle's new Nashorn JavaScript Engine. I've DL'd the latest OpenJDK 8 (…

java rhino openjdk nashorn
Event loop in java

I'm actually trying to write an event loop for Nashorn (java 8) so that callbacks from asynchronous operations (threads i launch …

java multithreading loops events nashorn
How make Java 8 Nashorn fast?

I'm using Java 8 Nashorn to render CommonMark to HTML server side. If I compile and cache and reuse a CompiledScript, …

java javascript performance nashorn
Java 8 Javascript Engine backwards compatibility

I am trying out Java 8 in my project and I am stuck in an error related to my build process. …

java ant java-8 nashorn