Java, nashorn accessing another js file

hnnn picture hnnn · Mar 14, 2015 · Viewed 14.4k times · Source

Is it possible to include one js from another with java nashorn engine?

ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("Nashorn");
InputStreamReader rs = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(.../script.js));


var System = Java.type('java.lang.System');
// document.write("./test.js"); - javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "document" is not defined 
// require('./test.js'); - require is not defined


System.out.println("reading test.js file");

i want to create top level script (in this example its script.js) and use it as a library for other scripts in same directory.


Vik Gamov picture Vik Gamov · Mar 15, 2015

you can use Nashorn's load() function

// can load script from files, URLs

load("foo.js"); // loads script from file "foo.js" from current directory
load(""); // loads script file from given URL

// loads script from an object's properties. 

// Object should have "script" and "name" properties.
//     "script" property contains string code of the script. 
//     "name" property specifies name to be used while reporting errors from script
// This is almost like the standard "eval" except that it associates a name with
// the script string for debugging purpose.

load({ script: "print('hello')", name: "myscript.js"})

// load can also load from pseudo URLs like "nashorn:", "fx:". "nashorn:" pseudo URL scheme
// for nashorn's built-in scripts. "fx:" pseudo URL scheme for JavaFX support scripts

// load nashorn's parser support script - defines 'parse'
// function in global scope


// load Mozilla compatibility script - which defines global functions
// like importPackage, importClass for rhino compatibility.
