Secure Nashorn JS Execution

tom_ma picture tom_ma · Dec 27, 2013 · Viewed 14.7k times · Source

How can I securely execute some user supplied JS code using Java8 Nashorn?

The script extends some computations for some servlet based reports. The app has many different (untrusted) users. The scripts should only be able to access a Java Object and those returned by the defined members. By default the scripts could instantiate any class using Class.forName() (using .getClass() of my supplied object). Is there any way to prohibit access to any java class not explicitly specified by me?


Kong picture Kong · May 25, 2014

I asked this question on the Nashorn mailing list a while back:

Are there any recommendations for the best way to restrict the classes that Nashorn scripts can create to a whitelist? Or is the approach the same as any JSR223 engine (custom classloader on the ScriptEngineManager constructor)?

And got this answer from one of the Nashorn devs:


  • Nashorn already filters classes - only public classes of non-sensitive packages (packages listed in package.access security property aka 'sensitive'). Package access check is done from a no-permissions context. i.e., whatever package that can be accessed from a no-permissions class are only allowed.

  • Nashorn filters Java reflective and jsr292 access - unless script has RuntimePermission("nashorn.JavaReflection"), the script wont be able to do reflection.

  • The above two require running with SecurityManager enabled. Under no security manager, the above filtering won't apply.

  • You could remove global Java.type function and Packages object (+ com,edu,java,javafx,javax,org,JavaImporter) in global scope and/or replace those with whatever filtering functions that you implement. Because, these are the only entry points to Java access from script, customizing these functions => filtering Java access from scripts.

  • There is an undocumented option (right now used only to run test262 tests) "--no-java" of nashorn shell that does the above for you. i.e., Nashorn won't initialize Java hooks in global scope.

  • JSR223 does not provide any standards based hook to pass a custom class loader. This may have to be addressed in a (possible) future update of jsr223.

Hope this helps,
