Top "Nan" questions

NaN is an abbreviation for "Not a Number". NaN is sometimes not equal to itself.

classifiers in scikit-learn that handle nan/null

I was wondering if there are classifiers that handle nan/null values in scikit-learn. I thought random forest regressor handles …

python pandas machine-learning scikit-learn nan
Why is NaN not equal to NaN?

The relevant IEEE standard defines a numeric constant NaN (not a number) and prescribes that NaN should compare as not …

floating-point language-agnostic nan ieee-754
How do you check for infinite and indeterminate values in C++?

In my programs infinity usually arises when a value is divided by zero. I get indeterminate when I divide zero …

c++ visual-c++ floating-point nan infinity
How do I test for NaN?

Possible Duplicate: Comparing NaN values for equality in Javascript Can anyone tell me why this is not working? if(inbperr == …

javascript if-statement nan
Error while creating heatmaps - NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 11)

I'm trying to prepare heatmap for my data but I have no idea why this error appears. My data: > …

r nan na gplots
Why JavaScript says that a number is not a number?

I have a piece of JavaScript code which is expected to set an integer value to a variable. Something is …

javascript nan typeof
Comparing numpy arrays containing NaN

For my unittest, I want to check if two arrays are identical. Reduced example: a = np.array([1, 2, np.NaN]) b = …

python numpy nan equality-operator
What is the difference between size and count in pandas?

That is the difference between groupby("x").count and groupby("x").size in pandas ? Does size just exclude nil ?

python pandas numpy nan difference
sending NaN in json

I am trying to encode an array which contains floats and NaN into JSON string from Python using json.dumps(). …

python json serialization nan
MATLAB: Using interpolation to replace missing values (NaN)

I have cell array each containing a sequence of values as a row vector. The sequences contain some missing values …

matlab interpolation nan missing-data