Top "Nan" questions

NaN is an abbreviation for "Not a Number". NaN is sometimes not equal to itself.

Testing if Float value is NaN

Possible Duplicate: Checking if a double (or float) is nan in C++ I have a requirement to check if float …

c floating-point solaris nan
Using NaN in C++?

What's the best way to use NaNs in C++? I found std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() and …

c++ floating-point nan
How to generate NaN, -Infinity and +Infinity in ANSI C?

I use ANSI C89 (not C++), and I want to generate NaN, -Infinity and +Infinity. Is there any standard way (…

c nan c89 infinity
parseInt always returns NaN?

long story short, i was trying to validate a phone field. ive added the isNaN and parseInt for checking the " " …

javascript nan parseint
What is the difference between quiet NaN and signaling NaN?

I have read about floating-point and I understand that NaN could result from operations. But I can't understand what these …

floating-point nan ieee-754
pylab histogram get rid of nan

I have a problem with making a histogram when some of my data contains "not a number" values. I can …

python numpy matplotlib histogram nan
In JavaScript, why does zero divided by zero return NaN, but any other divided by zero return Infinity?

It seems to me that the code console.log(1 / 0) should return NaN, but instead it returns Infinity. However this code: …

javascript math floating-point nan infinity
Can an integer be NaN in C++?

Can I set an int to NaN? If yes, then how can I check if an int is NaN or …

c++ nan
Why is math.max() returning NaN on an array of integers?

I am trying to get the highest number from a simple array: data = [4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 7, 5, 3]; alert(Math.max(data)); I have read …

javascript arrays math max nan
Why is NaN === NaN false?

Why does NaN === NaN return false in Javascript? > undefined === undefined true > NaN === NaN false > a = NaN NaN &…

javascript nan