Top "Nan" questions

NaN is an abbreviation for "Not a Number". NaN is sometimes not equal to itself.

What are all the possible calculations that could cause a NaN in Python?

I've been searching around, and there appear to be scattered discussions about NaNs in different programming languages, including some specific …

python numpy floating-point nan
Equality with Double.NaN

I have the following code... if (Price_Foreign != Double.NaN) { output.Append(spacer); output.Append(String.Format("{0,-10:C} USD",…

c# equality nan
C99: what is the recomended way to handle exceptions raised by `pow()` (overflow or complex number)

executing double result = pow(base, exponent); with arbitrary base and exponent may result in an attempt to compute a value …

c exception nan c99 pow
PHP: How to encode infinity or NaN numbers to JSON?

Apparently, infinity and NaN are not a part of JSON specification, so this PHP code: $numbers = array(); $numbers ['positive_infinity'] = +…

php json nan infinity
DataFrame correlation produces NaN although its values are all integers

I have a dataframe df: df = pandas.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(loggerfile, header = 2)) values = df.as_matrix() df2 = pd.DataFrame.…

python pandas nan correlation series
Overwriting Nan values with .loc in Pandas

I tried to solve the required task with the following code line: df['Age'][np.isnan(df["Age"])] = rand1 But …

python pandas nan loc
HTML5 Audio Player Duration Showing Nan

I just started to learn HTML5 and was going through HTML5 Audio player using JQuery. I coded a player with …

html5-audio nan duration
Why in numpy `nan == nan` is False while nan in [nan] is True?

While the first part of the question (which is in the title) has been answered a few times before (i.…

python numpy nan
What's the difference between nan, NaN and NAN

In numpy there are nan, NaN and NAN. What's the sense of having all three, do they differ or any …

python numpy nan
Why check for !isNaN() after isFinite()?

I came across the goog.math.isFiniteNumber function in the Google Closure Library. What it does is checking whether a …

javascript nan google-closure-library