Top "Nan" questions

NaN is an abbreviation for "Not a Number". NaN is sometimes not equal to itself.

Why does [NaN].includes(NaN) return true in JavaScript?

I'm familiar with NaN being "weird" in JavaScript, i.e., NaN === NaN always returns false, as described here. So one …

javascript arrays ecmascript-6 nan
When to use NaN or +/-Infinity?

What are the benefits of NaN, PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity for float and double? When should we use or avoid them? …

c# nan infinity
Why does IEEE 754 reserve so many NaN values?

It seems that the IEEE 754 standard defines 16,777,214 32-bit floating point values as NaNs, or 0.4% of all possible values. I wonder …

floating-point nan ieee-754
How do I find the values in my numpy array that are NaN/infinity/too large for dtype('float64')?

I am trying to fit a simple machine learning model using scikit learn. Upon this line:, labels) …

python pandas numpy nan numpy-dtype
Fill nan with zero python pandas

this is my code: for col in df: if col.startswith('event'): df[col].fillna(0, inplace=True) df[col] = df[…

python pandas nan series imputation
How are NaN and Infinity of a float or double stored in memory?

As I understand it java will store a float in memory as a 32 bit integer with the following properties: The …

java nan infinity
Pandas missing values : fill with the closest non NaN value

Assume I have a pandas series with several consecutive NaNs. I know fillna has several methods to fill missing values (…

python pandas time-series nan fillna
Causes for NaN in C++ application that do no raise a floating point exception

To find the cause of floating point variables beeing set to NaN in my C++ program I enabled floating point …

c++ nan floating-point-exceptions
Python: sort function breaks in the presence of nan

sorted([2, float('nan'), 1]) returns [2, nan, 1] (At least on Activestate Python 3.1 implementation.) I understand nan is a weird object, so I …

python math sorting nan