Top "" questions

The official MongoDB .NET Driver provides asynchronous interaction with MongoDB.

Aggregate $lookup with C#

I have the following MongoDb query working: db.Entity.aggregate( [ { "$match":{"Id": "12345"} }, { "$lookup": { "from": "OtherCollection", "localField": "otherCollectionId", "foreignField": "Id", "as": "…

c# mongodb aggregation-framework
Understanding the changes in MongoDB new C# driver (Async and Await)

The new C# driver is totally Async and in my understanding twists a little bit the old design patterns such …

c# mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
How to delete multiple ids in mongodb?

{ "_id" : ObjectId("51ee3966e4b056fe8f074f48"), "userid" : "66", "clientid" : "88", "deviceid" : "22", "timestamp" : "1374214822000"} { "_id" : ObjectId("51ee507ae4b056fe8f074f4…

Update property in nested array of entities in MongoDB

Is there a straight forward way to update nested array of entities in MongoDB. I am using MongoDB C# Driver …

c# mongodb
When should i be opening and closing MongoDB connections?

i am very new to MongoDB and NoSQL in general and i've just started building a site with MongoDB / Norm / …

mongodb database-connection scoping norm
Paging MongoDB query with C# drivers

I am using version 2.2 of MongoDB drivers for C#. I want to paginate a query : the response to the query …

c# mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
BsonSerializationException when serializing a Dictionary<DateTime,T> to BSON

I've recently moved to the new MongoDB C# driver v2.0 from the deprecated v1.9. Now, when I serialize a class …

c# .net mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
How to use $push update modifier in MongoDB and C#, when updating an array in a document

I've run the following code in mongo shell: db.unicorns.insert({name: 'Dunx', loves: ['grape', 'watermelon']}); and now I've something …

c# mongodb
Is it possible to have relation between object in a MongoDB database?

I am using MongoDB at work these days. So far, I find it a great experience. However I am asked …

Does MongoDB support soundex or fuzzy matching?

Does MongoDB support soundex or fuzzy matching? I want to spot dupes of basic contact name and address fields. I'm …

mongodb soundex