Top "Soundex" questions

Soundex is an phonetic algorithm for indexing names based on their pronunciation in spoken English.

Use SOUNDEX() word by word on SQL Server

Here is my problem. For example I have a table Products that contains a field, Name: Products ID | Name | .. 1 | "USB …

sql sql-server soundex
Solr search using contains, sound like

Problem: I have a movie information in solr. Two string fields define the movie title and director name. A copy …

search solr soundex
PHP/MySQL: Highlight "SOUNDS LIKE" query results

Quick MYSQL/PHP question. I'm using a "not-so-strict" search query as a fallback if no results are found with a …

php mysql highlighting soundex
Is there a soundex function for python?

Is there a soundex function for python and if not how would you go about making a soundex code? Soundex …

python python-2.7 soundex
How to search for Soundex() substrings in MySQL?

i got a problem with the Joomla! 3 integrated search engine. This engine's indexer creates so called soundex-values when indexing content …

mysql soundex
Implement smart search / Fuzzy string comparison

I have a web page on an ASP.NET MVC application where customers search for suppliers. The suppliers capture their …

c# search soundex
Does MongoDB support soundex or fuzzy matching?

Does MongoDB support soundex or fuzzy matching? I want to spot dupes of basic contact name and address fields. I'm …

mongodb soundex
How to query soundex() in mysql

What is the proper structure for searching within MySql using soundex()? I know how to produce a soundex(): select soundex(…

mysql soundex
Enabling soundex/metaphone for non-English characters

I've been studying soundex, metaphone and other string search techniques the past few days, and in my understanding both algorithms …

algorithm search lucene soundex metaphone
DotNet Soundex Function

I have a database table that has a column of SQLServer Soundex encoded last name + first name. In my C# …

.net soundex