Top "" questions

The official MongoDB .NET Driver provides asynchronous interaction with MongoDB.

Get _id of an inserted document in MongoDB?

say I have a product listing. When I add a new product I save it using something like var doc=…

c# mongodb
Get only a specified field in MongoDB with C#

first time i'm using MongoDB. I have read this example: SELECT a,b FROM users WHERE age=33 db.users.find({…

Projection of mongodb subdocument using C# .NET driver 2.0

I have the following structure: public class Category { [BsonElement("name")] public string CategoryName { get; set; } [BsonDateTimeOptions] [BsonElement("dateCreated")] public DateTime …

c# .net mongodb
Adding BSON array to BsonDocument in MongoDB

How can I add BsonArray to BsonDocument in MongoDB using a C# driver? I want a result something like this { …

c# mongodb
MongoDB how to check for existence

I would like to know how can I check the existence of an object with mongoDB and C#. I've found …

c# .net mongodb
MongoDB: update only specific fields

I am trying to update a row in a (typed) MongoDB collection with the C# driver. When handling data of …

c# mongodb
Mongo C# driver - Contains Filter

I am using the latest version of Mongo C# driver which uses a lot of Async and builder pattern. Which …

c# mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
Creating MongoDB Unique Key with C#

I am fighting to create a unique field EmailAddress. I've already seen in forums that I have to create an …

c# mongodb
Filter only by Date using mongoDB c# driver

I am using mongoDB c# latest driver i.e 3.+ in my project. I have different date filter criteria like Today,…

c# mongodb
Mongodb -- include or exclude certain elements with c# driver

How would I translate this mongo query to a Query.EQ statement in C#? db.users.find({name: 'Bob'}, {'_…

c# mongodb