Top "" questions

The official MongoDB .NET Driver provides asynchronous interaction with MongoDB.

Query with filter builder on nested array using MongoDB C# driver

Consider the following object structure stored as documents: public class Foo { public string Id { get; set; } public ICollection<FooBar&…

c# mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-csharp-2.0
Upserting in Mongo DB and the Id problem

I have a problem while upserting to mongo db using the official C# driver. public abstract class AggregateRoot { /// <summary&…

c# mongodb
How can I update mongodb document for adding a new item to array?

I couldn't figure out insert to a sub array... _id MyArray --Item ----ArrayItemId ----Name I want to insert items to …

c# mongodb
MongoDB C# - how to save arbitrary JSON document as dynamic type?

I am trying to write a general purpose Web Api controller that will allow me to save a JSON document …
Translate FilterDefinition<TDocument> to regular json mongo query that i can run in a mongo shell

I have many complex queries that I sometimes wish to check directly against Mongo for debugging \ explaining() purposes. With the …

c# .net mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
MongoDB C# 2.0 TimeoutException

We've recently upgraded our web application to MongoDB C# Driver 2.0 and deployed to production. Below a certain load, the application … timeoutexception mongodb-csharp-2.0
Update all properties of object in MongoDb

I'm using the MongoDB .Net driver in my project. I want to update all of the properties of my object …

c# .net mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
MongoDB: Getting the list of all databases?

How do I list all databases for a connection using Mongo C# Driver?

Insert new document using InsertOneAsync (.NET Driver 2.0)

In the older .Net API version : MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); var server = client.GetServer(); var db = server.GetDatabase("foo"); var …

c# mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0
How is an IAsyncCursor used for iteration with the mongodb c# driver?

I'm trying to get a list of all the databases in my server and ultimately print them out (i.e. …

c# .net mongodb async-await