We've recently upgraded our web application to MongoDB C# Driver 2.0 and deployed to production. Below a certain load, the application runs fine. Once the load on the production server exceeds a certain limit, the CPU of the application instantly falls down to 0 and after about 30 seconds, this exception is logged several times:
System.TimeoutException message: A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = ReadPreferenceServerSelector{ ReadPreference = { Mode = Primary, TagSets = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MongoDB.Driver.TagSet] } }, LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 } }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId : "1", Type : "Standalone", State : "Disconnected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/" }", EndPoint: "Unspecified/", State: "Disconnected", Type: "Unknown" }] }.
stack trace:
at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.Cluster.ThrowTimeoutException(IServerSelector selector, ClusterDescription description)
at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.Cluster.<WaitForDescriptionChangedAsync>d__18.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace
We are using a singleton MongoClient object, which is initiated like this:
private static object _syncRoot = new object();
private static MongoClient _client;
private static IMongoDatabase _database;
private IMongoDatabase GetDatabase()
if (_client == null)
lock (_syncRoot)
if (_client == null)
_client = new MongoClient(
new MongoClientSettings
Server = new MongoServerAddress(host, port),
Credentials = new[] { credentials },
_database = _client.GetDatabase("proddb");
return _database;
return _database;
public IMongoCollection<T> GetCollection<T>(string name)
return GetDatabase().GetCollection<T>(name);
A typical call to database looks like this:
public async Task<MongoItem> GetById(string id)
var collection = _connectionManager.GetCollection<MongoItem>("items");
var fdb = new FilterDefinitionBuilder<MongoItem>();
var f = fdb.Eq(mi => mi.Id, id);
return await collection.Find(f).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
How can we discover the reason and fix this issue?
This post may help:
I figured it out. This JIRA ticket has the details.
Effectively, we've made a distinction between connecting to a standalone server and connecting directly to a replica set member, where the latter is relatively uncommon. Unfortunately, MongoLab's Single-Node settings are actually a single node replica set and this causes us to not trust it. You can fix this by appending
to your connection string. It will force the driver to move into replica set mode and all will work.We are going to re-consider CSHARP-1160 in light of this. Thanks so much for reporting and let me know if appending
to your connection string doesn't work.