How to get the Mongo database specified in connection string in C#

Pete Montgomery picture Pete Montgomery · Aug 26, 2011 · Viewed 97.7k times · Source

I would like to connect to the database specified in the connection string, without specifying it again in GetDatabase.

For example, if I have a connection string like this;


I would like to be able to db.GetCollection("mycollection") from mydb.

This would allow the database name to be configured easily in the app.config file.


Andrew Orsich picture Andrew Orsich · Aug 26, 2011


MongoServer.Create is obsolete now (thanks to @aknuds1). Instead this use following code:

var _server = new MongoClient(connectionString).GetServer();

It's easy. You should first take database name from connection string and then get database by name. Complete example:

var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27020/mydb";

//take database name from connection string
var _databaseName = MongoUrl.Create(connectionString).DatabaseName;
var _server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);

//and then get database by database name:

Important: If your database and auth database are different, you can add a authSource= query parameter to specify a different auth database. (thank you to @chrisdrobison)

From docs:

NOTE If you are using the database segment as the initial database to use, but the username and password specified are defined in a different database, you can use the authSource option to specify the database in which the credential is defined. For example, mongodb://user:pass@hostname/db1?authSource=userDb would authenticate the credential against the userDb database instead of db1.