The official MongoDB .NET Driver provides asynchronous interaction with MongoDB.
I want to query my MongoDB collection without any filter with MongoDB .NET Driver 2.0 but I didn't find a way. …
c# .net mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0I have a MongoDB collection "foos" containing items which each have an array of "bars". That is, "foo" has the …
c# mongodb linq indexing was in the process of evaluating nosql databases and finalised on two. RavenDB and MongoDb. Which one is better …
mongodb ravendb have been trying to pass in a dynamic list of Expressions to a MongoDB C# Driver query using Linq ... …
c# mongodb linq mongo-c-driver found that some methods of the official MongoDB C# driver use SafeMode and return SafeModeResult. What is this SafeMode …
mongodb'm updating a simple field. var filterDocument = new BsonDocument { { "name", "alice" } }; var newDocument = new BsonDocument { { "name", "Alice" } }; collection.UpdateOne(filterDocument, …
c# .net mongodb do you project on fields in the new MongoDB C# drivers when the fields are given in the form …
c# .net mongodb mongodb-csharp-2.0The release of version 2.1 of the MongoDb C# Driver has recently reintroduced the method AsQueryable, but I am struggling to …
c# mongodb linq application persists Guid field in Mongo and it ends up being stored as BinData: "_id" : new BinData(3, "WBAc3FDBDU+…
mongodb want to create a compound index where one key should be in ascending, the second key in descending order. …
c# .net mongodb compound-index