Top "Mkoverlay" questions

MKOverlay is part of Apple's Map Kit framework for developing iOS applications.

Draw a circle of 1000m radius around users location in MKMapView

(Using iOS 5 and Xcode 4.2) I have an MKMapView and want to draw a circle of 1000m radius around the user …

ios ios5 mkmapview mkannotationview mkoverlay
How to capture Tap gesture on MKMapView

I am trying to capture tap event on my MKMapView, this way I can drop a MKPinAnnotation on the point …

ios4 mkmapview uitapgesturerecognizer mkoverlay mkpinannotationview
swift remove map overlays

I am trying to remove overlays from map. func removeMapOverlay() { var removeOverlays : [AnyObject]! = self.mapView.overlays // Above line throws runtime …

ios swift mkmapview mkoverlay
How to Display offline map in iphone using Mapkit

How to Display offline map in iphone using mapkit? if i use static image then how do i get current …

iphone ios overlay mkoverlay
How to detect taps on MKPolylines/Overlays like

When displaying directions on the built-in on the iPhone you can "select" one of the usually 3 route alternatives …

ios objective-c mkmapview mkoverlay mkpolyline
Detecting touches on MKOverlay in iOS7 (MKOverlayRenderer)

I have an MKMapView with possibly hundreds of polygons drawn. Using MKPolygon and MKPolygonRenderer as one is suppose to on …

ios touch mkmapview mapkit mkoverlay