Top "Mkpinannotationview" questions

MKPinAnnotationView implements an MKAnnotationView to display a push pin and is the only system-provided annotation view.

How can I create a custom "pin-drop" animation using MKAnnotationView?

I have an instance of MKMapView and would like to use custom annotation icons instead of the standard pin icons …

iphone core-animation mapkit mkpinannotationview
MKPinAnnotationView: Are there more than three colors available?

According to the Apple docs, MKPinAnnotationView's pin color is available in red, green and purple. Is there any way to …

iphone cocoa-touch mapkit mkpinannotationview
How to capture Tap gesture on MKMapView

I am trying to capture tap event on my MKMapView, this way I can drop a MKPinAnnotation on the point …

ios4 mkmapview uitapgesturerecognizer mkoverlay mkpinannotationview
Custom MKAnnotationView Callout

Possible Duplicates: Custom MKPinAnnotation callout bubble similar to default callout bubble How to customize the callout bubble for MKAnnotationView? Does …

iphone android-mapview mkpinannotationview
Changing pin color MKMapView

I add annotations to my map in this way: MyAnnotation *annotationPoint2 = [[MyAnnotation alloc] init]; annotationPoint2.coordinate = anyLocation; annotationPoint2.title = [NSString …

ios mkmapview mkpinannotationview
Custom MKPinAnnotation callout bubble similar to default callout bubble

i want to create a custom callout bubble on MKMapView. But i want to create the call out bubble in …

iphone objective-c mapkit mkmapview mkpinannotationview
How do I animate MKAnnotationView drop?

I have a custom MKAnnotationView where I set my image myself in viewForAnnotation. How do I animate it's drop like …

cocoa-touch ios-4.2 mkannotationview mkpinannotationview mapkit
MKMapView refresh after pin moves

A custom AnnotationView is updated with new coordinates. But the problem is that it visually updates only after some manipulations …

iphone objective-c android-mapview mkpinannotationview
MKPinAnnotationView custom Image is replaced by pin with animating drop

I'm displaying user avatar images on a MapView. The avatars appear to be working if they are rendered without animation, …

objective-c ios mkmapview mkpinannotationview
MapKit custom pin annotation

I have the following files: annotation.h: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <MapKit/MapKit.h> @interface …

ios objective-c mapkit mkpinannotationview