Top "Mkpolyline" questions

MKPolyline is used to represent a sequence of connected points, commonly used to draw an overlay on a MKMapView.

Draw polyline using Swift

I'm trying to get an understanding of how to draw polylines using Swift. I've looked at the documentation, referenced some …

ios swift mapkit polyline mkpolyline
MKMapView - rendererForOverlay not called

I recently started learning objectiveC and started developing an app in iOS6. Now, I am trying to convert it for …

ios mkmapview mkpolyline
UnsafeMutablePointer in swift as replacement for properly sized C Array in Obj-C

How can I interact with functions in swift that used to take sized C arrays? I read through Interacting with …

swift mkpolyline
How to use MKPolylineView in Swift

I want to draw polyline in my Swift app. Swift code class MapViewController: UIViewController, MKMapViewDelegate { @IBOutlet var theMapView: MKMapView override …

ios swift mkpolyline
latitude and longitude points from MKPolyline

I am trying to figure out a way to get all the latitude and longitude points from a MKPolyline drawn …

ios mkmapview mkpolyline
How to detect taps on MKPolylines/Overlays like

When displaying directions on the built-in on the iPhone you can "select" one of the usually 3 route alternatives …

ios objective-c mkmapview mkoverlay mkpolyline