Top "Microcontroller" questions

This tag is related to questions that have something to do with a microcontroller.

Unit testing patterns for microcontroller C code

Although there are plenty of unit test frameworks that support C, I'm a little stumped on how to write unit …

c unit-testing embedded microcontroller
Arduino/AVR ATmega microcontroller, random resets, jumps or variable/data corruption

I thought many programmers of Arduino/AVRs MCUs could share some of knowledge. My specific problem was this: In my …

debugging arduino microcontroller avr atmega
How is ISR a callback function

The wikipedia entry states: In computer system programming, an interrupt handler, also known as an interrupt service routine or ISR, …

microcontroller interrupt-handling isr
arm-none-eabi-ld: section .ARM.exidx overlaps section .data

I'm developing a project using a TI Tiva Microcontroller (TM4C123GH6PM), TivaWare (was StellarisWare) and GCC 4.8.2 (-14ubuntu1+6) …

c gcc arm microcontroller texas-instruments
Java in Embedded Programming

Can java programming be used in micro-controller programming like C and C++? If yes what are the requirement for it? …

java embedded microcontroller firmware
How do I know where the .data section needs to get the init data from? (gcc linker)

When building a gcc based bare metal mcu project you need to take care of the initialization of the .data …

gcc linker microcontroller bare-metal