Top "Interrupt-handling" questions

The concept of handling system interrupts in an application or embedded system.

Difference between SoftIRQs and Tasklets

While studying Linux interrupt handling I found that Tasklets and SoftIRQs are two different methods of performing "bottom half" (lesser …

linux-kernel interrupt-handling softirq tasklet
Do interrupts interrupt other interrupts on Arduino?

I have an Arduino Uno (awesome little device!). It has two interrupts; let's call them 0 and 1. I attach a handler …

embedded microcontroller arduino interrupt interrupt-handling
How to wake esp8266 from deep sleep without continuous resets

I'm building an IR to wifi bridge using an esp8266. Basically I'm building an IR receiver connected to an esp8266 …

sleep esp8266 interrupt-handling infrared sleep-mode
How do I debug unexpected resets in a STM32 device?

I'm doing some development in C with a STM32F107 chip and, at some point, the device began to reset …

embedded interrupt-handling cortex-m3 stm32
Linux Interrupt Handling in User Space

In Linux, what are the options for handling device interrupts in user space code rather than in kernel space?

linux linux-kernel interrupt-handling
STM32F411: is clearing an external interrupt flag really necessary?

I've bought an STM32F411 nucleo board and now I'm trying to understand various bits and pieces of the HAL. …

interrupt stm32 interrupt-handling
How to send an interrupt signal

I'm trying to implement a function that would call an interrupt signal in Go. I know how to intercept interrupt …

go signals interrupt interrupt-handling
How to trap ERR when using 'set -e' in Bash

I have a simple script : #!/bin/bash set -e trap "echo BOO!" ERR function func(){ ls /root/ } func I would …

bash interrupt-handling
detecting interrupt on GPIO in kernel module

I am toggling the input into a GPIO line on my BeagleBone from high to low every 500 ms using an …

linux linux-device-driver interrupt interrupt-handling gpio
what is meant by disabling interrupts?

When entering an inteerupt handler, we first "disable interrupts" on that cpu(using something like the cli instruction on x86). …

interrupt-handling keyboardinterrupt