Top "Keyboardinterrupt" questions

Catching KeyboardInterrupt in Python during program shutdown

I'm writing a command line utility in Python which, since it is production code, ought to be able to shut …

python keyboardinterrupt
Capture keyboardinterrupt in Python without try-except

Is there some way in Python to capture KeyboardInterrupt event without putting all the code inside a try-except statement? I …

python try-catch keyboardinterrupt
Keyboard Interrupts with python's multiprocessing Pool

How can I handle KeyboardInterrupt events with python's multiprocessing Pools? Here is a simple example: from multiprocessing import Pool from …

python multiprocessing pool keyboardinterrupt
threading ignores KeyboardInterrupt exception

I'm running this simple code: import threading, time class reqthread(threading.Thread): def run(self): for i in range(0, 10): time.…

python multithreading events exception keyboardinterrupt
RuntimeWarnings with GPIO.setup and GPIO.cleanup not work with KeyboardInterrupt

I have a problem with my code working with raspberry pi. I just started with python so i need some …

python raspberry-pi keyboardinterrupt
Python 3 KeyboardInterrupt error

I have noticed that on any python 3 program no matter how basic it is if you press CTRL c it …

python-3.x ctrl keyboardinterrupt
Why can't I handle a KeyboardInterrupt in python?

I'm writing python 2.6.6 code on windows that looks like this: try: dostuff() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted!" except: print "Some other …

python windows keyboardinterrupt
python exit infinite while loop with KeyboardInterrupt exception

My while loop does not exit when Ctrl+C is pressed. It seemingly ignores my KeyboardInterrupt exception. The loop portion …

python infinite-loop keyboardinterrupt try-except systemexit
Ctrl-C i.e. KeyboardInterrupt to kill threads in Python

I read somewhere that KeyboardInterrupt exception is only raised in the main thread in Python. I also read that the …

python multithreading kill keyboardinterrupt
What is the difference between Ctrl-C and SIGINT?

I have been debugging a Python program which segfaults after receiving a KeyboardInterrupt exception. This is normally done by pressing …

unix sigint keyboardinterrupt