Top "Firmware" questions

Firmware is one of the most often used terms to denote the fixed programs and/or data structures that internally control an electronic device.

How does Linux Kernel know where to look for driver firmware?

I'm compiling a custom kernel under Ubuntu and I'm running into the problem that my kernel doesn't seem to know …

linux-kernel linux-device-driver firmware
What is the difference between the firmware and the operating system?

In embedded devices such as printer, switches, I am confused what the difference between the firmware and the operating system …

operating-system embedded embedded-linux firmware web-operating-system
How to use c++11 to program the Arduino?

How can I use c++11 when programming the Arduino? I would be fine using either the Arduino IDE or another …

c++ ide arduino firmware
Writing firmware: assembly or high level?

Related to: Testing firmware starting a microcontroller simulator/emulator Interpreting assembly code If you are writing code for a microcontroller …

c assembly embedded firmware
EFI console on Mac OS X (Intel)

According to ADC documentation: You can access Open Firmware this by holding down Command-Option-O-F at boot time. However, in reality …

macos firmware
Experiences with (free) embedded TCP / IP stacks?

Does anyone have especially good (or bad) experiences with any of the following embedded TCP / IP stacks? uIP lwIP Bentham's …

networking embedded tcp firmware rtos
What do people mean by ROM and firmware in the context of android?

I read "custom ROM" and "customized firmware" all over the internet. To my understanding ROM stands for Read Only Memory. …

android firmware rom
Debian 8. Failed to load iwlwifi

I used the netdisk iso to install debian, which apperently is missing the firmware files: rtl_nic_rtl8411-2.fw …

linux debian firmware
Loopback mount in OSX

I am trying to mount an .img file (rootfs.img) so I can modify the features of the firmware for …

linux macos image mount firmware
Why would I consider using an RTOS for my embedded project?

First the background, specifics of my question will follow: At the company that I work at the platform we work …

embedded rtos firmware