Top "Maven-release-plugin" questions

The Apache Maven Release Plugin is used to create releases with Maven.

Maven release:prepare fails to commit tag

Attempting to perform a release on a maven project, which has successfully released before. When I perform mvn release:prepare …

git maven-release-plugin
Using maven-release-plugin with GitHub "You can't push to git://"

Recently having switched source code repository for a project to GitHub from SourceForge I need to update the maven release …

maven github maven-release-plugin sonatype maven-scm
Maven release: next development version in batch mode

I have configured a Jenkins job to release my maven project automatically. This is done by using the following: mvn …

maven maven-release-plugin
Override Maven plugin configuration defined in the pom pluginManagement from the command line

The POM that my project inherits contains some <pluginManagement> for the release plugin that specifies some additional arguments. …

java maven-2 maven maven-release-plugin
Maven pom.xml, SCM and release

I want to do a mvn release:prepare, that will remove the "-SNAPSHOT" from the version and tag it in …

maven release pom.xml maven-release-plugin
Maven release fails due to git failure

I am trying to do a mvn release, but it fails due to problems with git. I have done this …

git maven maven-release-plugin
Maven - Error Releasing Code to GitHub (Hangs After Push)

I'm attempting to run the mvn release:prepare goal and it's hanging after the push. Any idea what I could …

java git maven-2 github maven-release-plugin
How to customise the tag format of the Maven release plugin?

In our SVN repo, we store tags like this: trunk project_a project_b branches project_a branch_x branch_…

maven release default tagging maven-release-plugin
Maven: Bind plugin execution to the execution of another plugin, not to a lifecycle phase

Note regarding the accepted answer: I accepted the answer because of strong circumstantial evidence. Nonetheless, this is circumstantial evidence, so …

maven maven-release-plugin git-flow
Avoid gpg signing prompt when using Maven release plugin

I've got a Maven project that I'm trying to configure to use the maven release plugin. Part of the release …

maven code-signing maven-release-plugin gnupg