Top "Maven-release-plugin" questions

The Apache Maven Release Plugin is used to create releases with Maven.

maven release plugin and command line arguments

I am trying to do a non-interactive maven release: mvn clean install \ -PmyAssembly,attach-installer \ -DcustomerFlag=simple \ release:clean \ release:prepare \ …

Using maven release plugin autoVersionSubmodules to increment Major version

I'm using the maven release plugin on hudson with autoVersionSubmodules set to true to automatically increment the development version in …

hudson maven-release-plugin
Maven Release Plugin - svn: E200007: Source and destination URLs appear not to point to the same repository

I'm getting this error during the mvn release:prepare goal: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.4.2:…

maven svn maven-3 maven-release-plugin
How to run release:perform from a given Git tag?

Due to issues with a Nexus staging repository, I need to re-run mvn release:perform, ideally without creating a new …

git maven maven-release-plugin
Jenkins SVN "SSL peer shut down incorrectly" during checkout

I have an issue running maven release plugin through Jenkins using SVN as the SCM. When checking out large projects …

maven svn jenkins maven-release-plugin svnkit
Push to local Azure DevOps Git from Build Pipeline

Short version Can someone tell me how to set up a "Command Line Script" task within an Azure DevOps build …

git maven azure-devops azure-pipelines maven-release-plugin
Maven Release Plugin - prepare creates tag of Snapshot version instead of release version

I have following project structure: framework framework-parent-pom framework-something ... In the pom.xml of framework-parent-pom I have defined following plugin: <…

maven maven-release-plugin
How to override maven-release-plugin config in one child module

I have a multi-module maven build where one of the child modules requires an extra goal to be executed as …

maven-2 maven maven-release-plugin
Maven auto increment release version

I am working on an initiative to auto increment the X.Y.Z version during the build process. In this …

maven maven-3 maven-release-plugin maven-scm
Does maven-release-plugin push tags to remote Git repository?

When using the maven-release-plugin with Git, mvn release:prepare happily tags the release in the local repository. I'd expect mvn …

git maven-2 tags release-management maven-release-plugin