Top "Maven-release-plugin" questions

The Apache Maven Release Plugin is used to create releases with Maven.

How to setup the Maven release plugin with git

The last few days, i have tried to configure the Maven Release Plugin for a release with git. I have …

java maven maven-release-plugin
Maven release:perform without deploy and calling an external shell script

I am using the maven release plugin. Problem is simple: I don't want to do a deploy on release:perform. …

maven-2 maven-release-plugin
Jenkins maven-release-plugin

In Jenkins (latest), Maven 3.0.x, I have a project (Java source code). I'm using M2 release plugin, which provides a …

maven deployment jenkins maven-release-plugin artifacts
How do I release with BitBucket+Git+Maven

I have specified the following SCM tags in my pom. However when I do a maven release:prepare the tag …

git maven bitbucket maven-release-plugin
Maven release plugin: specify java compiler version

I have this project made of multiple jars and war to make an ear. I build everything in snapshot and …

java maven-2 maven-release-plugin
Maven versions-maven-plugin versions plugin 2.2 -- Maven Uncle Situation

Maven is 3.1.0. I'm using versions-maven-plugin:2.2 in my project's pom.xml (as shown below). Apart from the usual pom.xml file …

maven nullpointerexception release maven-release-plugin versions-maven-plugin
How to get a Maven release to work with git?

Trying to release, I always get this: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Unable to commit files Provider …

git maven maven-release-plugin
Incrementing Maven Project Version with Jenkins/Git

I'm using Jenkins to build Maven Java projects and deploy them to a Nexus repository. I also use Git, although …

git maven hudson jenkins maven-release-plugin
Profile activation on both release:prepare and release:perform

I cannot find a solution for activating some Maven profile on release:prepare and release:perform (both) goals. Something like …

maven maven-release-plugin
How to release Maven multi-module project with inter-project dependencies?

Lets say we have 3 layers project. DB, Business, Web and aggregating pom. Project |-DB | |-pom.xml |-Business | |-pom.xml |-pom.…

maven aggregation dependency-management maven-release-plugin multi-module