Profile activation on both release:prepare and release:perform

Michał Kalinowski picture Michał Kalinowski · Apr 3, 2012 · Viewed 14.3k times · Source

I cannot find a solution for activating some Maven profile on release:prepare and release:perform (both) goals. Something like this:


just doesn't work. I know that releaseProfiles setting works only during release:perform so I just though that arguments setting is exactly what I want, but my-profile profile is not active during the execution. Am I doing something wrong?


nwinkler picture nwinkler · Apr 3, 2012

This looks like a duplicate question. Please take a look at this question, it has an answer. maven release plugin ignores releaseProfile

Basically version 2.2.1 of the release plugin adds a releaseProfiles parameter that will allow you to define the profiles to enable during release.

Unfortunately, it looks like there's a bug that will prohibit it from doing what you want...


One thing that I have used in this case is not using the -P argument, but rather triggering the profile through an environment setting using -Denv=release. Then in the POM, I have the profile activation based on the value of env. This has always worked for me.