Override Maven plugin configuration defined in the pom pluginManagement from the command line

rustyx picture rustyx · Jan 11, 2011 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

The POM that my project inherits contains some <pluginManagement> for the release plugin that specifies some additional arguments.

My question is: Is there a way to override the arguments parameter from the command line in this case?

The parent POM has this:


Due to that the command line argument doesn't work:

mvn release:prepare -Darguments="-Pmock -Prelease"

The -Darguments="-Pmock -Prelease" part has no effect. When arguments is not already specified, it works.

It is not possible for me to modify the parent POM or not to use it.


rustyx picture rustyx · Jan 14, 2011

Found the solution. In my POM I add this which overrides the settings in the parent POM and allows to specify additional arguments on command line, e.g. -Darguments=-Pmock

            <arguments>${arguments} -Prelease</arguments>