Top "Material-design" questions

Material design is Google's guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices, introduced with Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Material design Spinner using TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox styling

I am currently using Material Design TextInputLayout OutlinedBox as shown below: < style="@style/Widget.…

android material-design android-textinputlayout material-components-android material-components
NavigationView throwing error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'menu' in package

I am trying to add NavigationView in my layout as below: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="…

android material-design drawerlayout androiddesignsupport navigationview
CollapsingToolbarLayout | Scrolling and layout issues 2

Related Questions CollapsingToolbarLayout | Scrolling and layout issues Backgroud I want to use 2 different fragments that will allow me to change …

android xml material-design android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Material UI Menu using routes

I am toying with material-ui. I implemented LeftNav using routes, but I could not find a way to get IconMenu, …

reactjs material-design material-ui
Materialize CSS - Sticky Footer

I followed the steps mentioned here - - to create a Sticky Footer, but the …

css material-design materialize
Is there a library for Floating Action Buttons (FAB) with Labels?

Is there a library for creating Floating Action Buttons with labels (similar to the Evernote app)? Evernote Screenshot The popular …

android android-5.0-lollipop material-design floating-action-button
What is the easiest way to use material design in a react-native iOS app?

I have found these partial implementations on Github as the leading contenders although they have a way to go: react-native-material-kit …

material-design react-native material-ui
Scroll behavior in nested RecyclerView with horizontal scroll

I have to create vertical RecyclerView with nested horizontal RecyclerView in every item. Everything is within CoordinatorLayout. When I scroll …

android xml material-design android-toolbar android-coordinatorlayout
NavigationView menu items with counter on the right

The new NavigationView in the new Design Support Library works really great. They use "menu-items" to display the options. But …

android navigation-drawer material-design androiddesignsupport navigationview
Android 5.0 Material-styled tabs

Does the Android 5.0 framework have Material-styled tabs? I know in the dev preview, they were still Holo-styled. I was wondering …

android android-tabs material-design