Does the Android 5.0 framework have Material-styled tabs? I know in the dev preview, they were still Holo-styled. I was wondering if 5.0 has been updated with material-style tabs; I currently use PagerSlidingTabStrip for my tabs, but that has not been updated with Material design yet.
More specifically, does the support library include an implementation of material tabs? The Play Store running on 4.x has those tabs, but I'm not sure if that's a custom implementation by Google or not.
This is now provided by the Android Design Support Library:
compile ""
Chris Banes example:
Android Developer Blog:
Android Docs:
Support Library:
Look at the latest version of Google Play(down below).
They are using the SlidingTabsColors(not SlidingTabsBasic) but with colors. You need to look at those two files: and and simply change the color to match your ActionBar/TooBar color.
Also, you will notice when you swipe left/right, the Tab title text color will become "white" and the unselected titles are an "gray" color.
For example(how to change the indicator color):
class SlidingTabStrip extends LinearLayout {
// change the strip color
private static final int DEFAULT_SELECTED_INDICATOR_COLOR = 0xFF33B5E5;
Please see the example here:
Please read these as well: