Top "Marching-cubes" questions

An algorithm for creating a triangular mesh from a three-dimensional scalar field, or graphing an implicit function of the form f(x,y,z) = c.

What can cause glDrawArrays to generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error?

I've been attempting to write a two-pass GPU implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm, similar to the one detailed in …

opengl glsl shader geometry-shader marching-cubes
How to interpolate vertex normals?

I am trying to render a 3D model (from with Gouraud shading using the marching cubes algorithm. So …

opengl interpolation normals marching-cubes
Create a .obj file from 3d array in python

My goal is to get a .obj file from a nifty (.nii) format using python, with the purpose of open …

python unity3d .obj marching-cubes nifti