Top "Nifti" questions

A data format used in biomedical imaging, proposed by the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative.

How to transfer Nifti file into .mat Matlab file?

I have a Nifti file, the size of which is 62*62*38. How can I transfer the Nifti file to .mat Matlab …

matlab file-conversion mat-file nifti
Creating a nifti file from a numpy array

I have a numpy array that I would like to covert into a nifti file. Through the documentation it seems …

python numpy file-format nifti
How to convert Nifti file to Numpy array?

I have 3D array in Nifti file (.ii.gz) and I want to save it as a 3D numpy array. …

numpy nifti
Create a .obj file from 3d array in python

My goal is to get a .obj file from a nifty (.nii) format using python, with the purpose of open …

python unity3d .obj marching-cubes nifti