Top "Geometry-shader" questions

Geometry shader should not be mixed up with [vertex-shader], but are shader programs executed after vertex shaders.

What can cause glDrawArrays to generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error?

I've been attempting to write a two-pass GPU implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm, similar to the one detailed in …

opengl glsl shader geometry-shader marching-cubes
simple pass-through geometry shader with normal and color

I've written a very simple pass-through geometry shader. My input primitive is points and output primitive is also points. I …

glsl geometry-shader
Apply color gradient to material on mesh - three.js

I have an STL file loaded into my scene with a single colour applied to a phong material I'd like …

javascript three.js vertex-shader geometry-shader
Using line strip adjacency with the geometry shader

So, I've been trying to draw a cylinder out of a line strip adjacency primitive with the geometry shader and …

opengl geometry-shader