Top "Main" questions

In many programming languages, the main function, subroutine, or method marks the entry point of the program.

Use main function in R

I've been using R for 4 months now, and I really hope there is a way to use main function as …

r main interactive
Access main package from other package

I want to access the main package from another package, but this is impossible because the main file isn't in …

go import package main
How can I write a Windows application without using WinMain?

Windows GUI applications written in C/C++ have 'WinMain' as an entry point (rather than 'main'). My understanding of this …

c winapi main crt winmain
Is ‘int main;’ a valid C/C++ program?

I ask because my compiler seems to think so, even though I don’t. echo 'int main;' | cc -x …

c++ c function main entry-point
Why does declaring main as an array compile?

I saw a snippet of code on CodeGolf that's intended as a compiler bomb, where main is declared as a …

c gcc clang main
is there a GCC compiler/linker option to change the name of main?

My software has one main for normal use and a different one for unit tests. I would just love it …

c gcc main entry-point
Why does int main() {} compile?

(I'm using Visual C++ 2008) I've always heard that main() is required to return an integer, but here I didn't put …

c++ return-value main
Compile and run program without main() in C

I'm trying to compile and run following program without main() function in C. I have compiled my program using the …

c gcc segmentation-fault main gcc-warning
Why to use SwingUtilities.invokeLater in main method?

After years of Java programming I always used to create my main() methods like this : public static void main(String[] …

java swing main swingutilities invokelater
What was Wrong with void main()?

Why has setting the entry point's return type to void in C++ always been discouraged, and was later removed by …

c++ standards main entry-point