Top "Main" questions

In many programming languages, the main function, subroutine, or method marks the entry point of the program.

QApplication app(argc, argv)

I noticed that the main.cpp in a Qt application has to contain the following line: QApplication app(argc, argv); …

c++ qt main argv argc
Does int main() need a declaration on C++?

When reading about functions in C++, I was taught that functions need declarations to be called. For example: #include <…

c++ main forward-declaration function-declaration
Java running main method of other class, when JButton is pressed

I am trying to develop a JFrame which has two buttons that would let me to call the main method …

java swing main event-dispatch-thread invokelater
Is main() overloaded in C++?

2 valid versions of main() exist in C++: int main() // version 1 int main(int argc, char **argv) // version 2 But both overloads …

c++ overloading main
GCC: how to tell GCC to put the 'main' function at the start of the .text section?

I've just started learning some ARM programming and I've got stuck in a slightly annoying problem. The toolchain I'm using …

gcc main ld linker-scripts objcopy