Top "Main" questions

In many programming languages, the main function, subroutine, or method marks the entry point of the program.

Doxygen not documenting main function in main.cpp

I have a main.cpp that contains a struct, some global constants and a main function. I ran doxygen and …

c++ doxygen main
How to pass parameters to main method using Gradle?

I have to pass two arguments to my main method. My build script is // Apply the java plugin to add …

java gradle main commandargument
Why check if (*argv == NULL)?

In the data structures class that I am currently taking, we have been tasked with writing a web crawler in …

c++ c null main argv
Why do applets not need a main()?

This applies to subclasses of Applet, Servlet, Midlet, etc. Why do they not need a main()? If I wanted to …

java applet main
How do I start multiple main programs in a Java executable .jar?

I'm writing a program that contains multiple packages in it. Each package has its own main program that I want …

java main launch
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)

I keep receiving the following two errors and I can't figure out why. error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced …

c++ templates visual-c++ main lnk2019
How to determine main class at runtime in threaded java application?

I want to determine the class name where my application started, the one with the main() method, at runtime, but …

java runtime stack-trace classloader main
Is main a valid Java identifier?

One of my kids is taking Java in high school and had this on one of his tests: Which of …

java language-lawyer main identifier
React main entry point

I don't understand the structure of most boilerplates out there. I always see 2 files named "index" (one js file and …

reactjs architecture main entry-point
What is the difference between wmain and main?

So I have some class starting with #include <wchar.h> #include <stdlib.h> and there is …

c++ c windows main wmain