Top "Lpcstr" questions

Use this tag for questions related to the LPCSTR data type.

What does LPCWSTR stand for and how should it be handled with?

First of all, what is it exactly? I guess it is a pointer (LPC means long pointer constant), but what …

c++ winapi lpcstr
How to find the length of an LPCSTR

I'm trying to convert an LPCSTR to an integer using atoi(), and to verify that the conversion occurred successfully I …

c++ lpcstr
C++ concat LPCTSTR

I am implementing a custom action for a WindowsCE CAB file, and I need to concat a LPCTSTR to get …

c++ string windows-ce lpcstr
C++ LPCTSTR to char*

I am using visual studio 2010 MFC to build a C++ program. My program calls a DLL that is not apart …

c++ mfc char converter lpcstr
How to convert QString to LPCSTR (Unicode)

how can I convert QString to LPCSTR ? How do I do it when #ifdef UNICODE is defined and when it …

c++ windows qt qt4 lpcstr
C++ CLI System.String^ to MFC LPCTSTR

How would I convert a System (.net) C++\CLI String^ into a MFC C++ LPCTSTR string. It is very easy …

c++ string mfc c++-cli lpcstr

So the output of the function GetUserName() gives the username as a LPTSTR. I need to convert this to a …

c++ lpcstr lptstr
C++ MFC how to compare LPCTSTR in a if statement?

I have the following code: LPCTSTR strPermission = Method(); if (strPermission == L"0") { return true; } else { return false; } While debugging I can …

c++ string mfc compare lpcstr