I am implementing a custom action for a WindowsCE CAB file, and I need to concat a LPCTSTR to get a proper path to an exe.
My custom action receives a LPCTSTR as an argument.
So (pseudocode):
HWND hwndParent,
LPCTSTR pszInstallDir,
WORD cFailedDirs,
WORD cFailedFiles,
WORD cFailedRegKeys,
WORD cFailedRegVals,
WORD cFailedShortcuts
if (FALSE == LaunchApp(pszInstallDir + "\\MyApp.exe"))
::MessageBox(hwndParent, L"Could not launch app!", L"Setup", MB_ICONINFORMATION );
This is using the imaginary "+" operator, that I would use in my standard language, C#.
I have relatively little experience in C++. What is the proper way to append a LPCTSTR for my purposes? The LaunchApp method uses this type as an argument.
Also if I want to display the resulting path (for debugging purposes) in a MessageBox, is there a quick way to convert to a LPCWSTR?
For concatenation use StringCchCat
TCHAR pszDest[260] = _T("");
StringCchCat(pszDest, 260, pszInstallDir);
StringCchCat(pszDest, 260, _T("\\MyApp.exe"));