Top "Log4j2" questions

Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j, a Java-based logging utility, that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture.

Migrating from log4j to log4j2 - properties file configuration

I have a java application which is using log4j configured as below. log4j.rootLogger=INFO, …

java log4j log4j2
Is log4j2 compatible with Java 11?

I tried to run my project on the latest Java 11. Everything works, except the specific file logger. Logging works fine …

java log4j2 java-11
How to delete older rolled over log4j2 logs, keeping up to 10 files?

What I want is: Maximum of 10 log files, in total Each log file, not more than 50MB in size. Thus …

java logging log4j log4j2 rollingfileappender
How to set up Spring Boot and log4j2 properly?

How can I make Spring log properly via log4j2 along with the other dependencies I have (Hibernate, Netty, Mina, …

java logging spring-boot log4j2
Configuring log4j2 and log4j using a single log4j2 xml file

I've migrated my application to log4j 2, and I've configured it via log4j2.xml However, some of the libraries …

java logging log4j log4j2
log4j2 ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier

I have log4j2 in my project when I run main method in intellij Idea ,it correct to print log. …

java log4j2 maven-shade-plugin
Caused by: org.apache.logging.log4j.LoggingException: log4j-slf4j-impl cannot be present with log4j-to-slf4j

In my Spring boot 2 project: In build.gradle: dependencies { implementation '' implementation 'com.h2database:…

java spring spring-boot log4j2
Log4j 2. How get log4j's debug messages?

As far as i understand log4j can handle system property -Dlog4j.debug. If you run your app with …

java logging log4j log4j2
tomcat 7 internal logging with log4j2.xml

I am trying to configure tomcat 7 internal logging with log4j2. I have followed the answer provided at Logging server …

tomcat logging log4j2 tomcat-juli
Log4j2's FailoverAppender Error: appender Failover has no parameter that matches element Failovers

When I compile my spring 3.2.9 web application using log4j 2.1, this error appears in the console: 2015-02-02 12:08:25,213 ERROR appender …

java logging log4j2 failover appender