Top "Log4j2" questions

Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j, a Java-based logging utility, that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture.

log4j 2 - configuration issue

I am trying to configure log4j 2.0 to report logs. My config is saved as log4j2.xml and this …

java log4j2
log4j 2 adding multiple colors to console appender

Hi I just downloaded and configured log4j-2. I am stuck on applying color codes to the SlowConsole console appender. …

java xml jakarta-ee log4j2
Load Log4j2 configuration file programmatically

I want to load Log4j2 XML configuration file programmatically from my application. Tried this: ConfigurationSource source = new ConfigurationSource(); source.…

java logging log4j2
Method getLogger() no longer a member of Logger in log4j2?

I have the log4j-api-2.0.0.jar and log4j-core-2.0.2.jar import into my build path. But somehow the following code …

java logging log4j log4j2
Elasticsearch "StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath."

I upgraded elasticsearch java client from 2.3 to 5.1. And this error log continues to appear. ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not …

java elasticsearch log4j log4j2
How can I change the default location of log4j2.xml in Java Spring Boot?

Log4j2 is working nicely with Spring Boot through the log4j2.xml configuration file in the root classpath, exactly …

java log4j spring-boot log4j2
log4j2 specify relative path to tomcat home dir for FileAppender

I am trying to configure log4j2 for my tomcat server running locally. I am unable to pipe the logs …

tomcat logging log4j2 fileappender
slf4j & log4j2 maven setup query

I am using log4j2 and slf4j in my project & using maven for the build. I am using …

java maven logging slf4j log4j2
Log4j2 why would you use it over log4j?

I must be missing something but I have been looking at this for a few days now, but why on …

java logging log4j log4j2
Dynamically add appender with slf4j and log4j2

I want to dynamically create an appender and add it to a logger. However, this seems not to be possible …

java logging slf4j log4j2