Top "Log4j2" questions

Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j, a Java-based logging utility, that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture.

Maximum File Size - supported in log4j FileAppender

I have a requirement that I need to store audit information in a TEXT file. I planned to write the …

file file-io log4j log4j2 fileappender
Log4j2 - configuring

I am trying to adopt Log4j2 in my new project, but I get my logs in catalina.out, and …

java logging configuration log4j log4j2
NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/Logger

I added Log4J2 to my application. I copied all the Log4J2 .jar files to by LIB directory and …

java logging log4j slf4j log4j2
Log4J2 - assigning file appender filename at runtime

I have a log4j2.xml config file in the class path. One of the appenders is a File appender, …

java log4j log4j2
How to specify Log4J 2.x config location?

Is there any way to specify Log4J 2.x log4j2.xml file location manually (like DOMConfigurator in Log4J 1.…

java logging configuration log4j log4j2
Specifying Log4j2 Configuration File When Using Executable JAR

I am having trouble specifying the Log4j2 config file location when using an executable JAR file. It works fine …

java logging executable-jar log4j2
Log4j 2 doesn't support file anymore?

I am running an example using log4j 2.0-rc1 and file, but log4j lib always runs …

java log4j log4j2
How does Log4j2 DefaultRolloverStrategy's max attribute really work?

I've configured a RollingRandomAccessFileAppender with only the OnStartupTriggeringPolicy set, but when I set the max attribute of the DefaultRolloverStrategy to …

java logging configuration log4j2 rollingfileappender
How to add Log4J2 appenders at runtime programmatically?

Is it possible to add Log4J2 appenders programmatically using the specifications from the XML configuration? I plan to define …

java logging log4j log4j2
How does RollingFileAppender work with log4j2?

I'm use to RollingFileAppender on normal log4j. Now I'm switching to log4j2, and cannot get the appender to …

java logging log4j2