Top "Locale" questions

In computing, locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.

Locale codes for iPhone lproj folders

Where would I find a list of locale name abbreviations for my project localization folders? (Such as en for English, …

iphone localization internationalization locale
Sort List of Strings with Localization

I want to sort below List of strings as per user locale List<String> words = Arrays.asList( "Äbc", "ä…

java sorting collections localization locale
How to set JSTL locale from Java code?

I want to set the JSTL locale which is used by <fmt:formatNumber> and friends. I know this …

java jstl locale setlocale
is there a way to find list of valid locales in my linux using perl?

I need to find a list of locale installed/supported in my linux machine. is there a way to find …

linux perl locale
RESTful URL: where should I put locale? vs

I'm deciding how to organize URL and put locale into it. I have two choices: example.…

url rest path locale
java dateformat illegal pattern character 'y'

We started having a weird error on production environment recently (test environments works fine). java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern character …

java locale simpledateformat
Java 7 default locale

I have just installed jre7 and I'm surprised to see that my default locale is now en_US. With jre6 …

java windows windows-7 locale java-7
How to set locale in the current terminal's session?

I'm trying to change encoding in the urxvt current session by changing LANG variable. Howerever, it seems like it doesn't …

bash encoding terminal locale rxvt
How do I check if system is 12 or 24 hour?

I am trying to determine if the current locale is set to 12 or 24 hour, and set am/pm accordingly. This …

android time locale
Dynamically change locale for DatePipe in Angular 2

I'm making an Angular project where the user has the ability to switch languages. Is it possible to make the …

angular locale angular2-pipe