Top "Locale" questions

In computing, locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.

number_to_currency locale converting

Why does number_to_currency(33.50, :locale => :fr) displaying $33.50? It should display it in different currency based on the locale. …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 localization locale number-to-currency
Swift 3 and NumberFormatter (.currency) == ¤?

Xcode 8.0 (8A218a) GM Target: iOS 10 (Swift 3) Consider the following code: let number = NSDecimalNumber(decimal: 22.4) let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter() numberFormatter.numberStyle = .…

ios locale swift3 ios10 nsnumberformatter
How do I permanently change java's default locale on Windows

I need to change the default locale that java uses on a Windows 2008 Server machine. Java is installed as part …

java locale application-server
How to change the back button label, react-navigation

I'm using react-navigation, and I can't change the locale of the default 'back' button. In my Stack Navigator, if I …

react-native locale react-navigation
Unable to locate package language-pack-en

On my NodeJS server (running as docker image)... Dockerfile FROM node:4.8-slim RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install …

ubuntu docker debian locale apt-get
Change language to Bootstrap Datetimepicker

I'm using the datetimepicker of Bootstrap, it's working pretty well. The thing is that it's in english, and I need …

javascript twitter-bootstrap locale bootstrap-datetimepicker
What std::locale names are available on common windows compilers?

The standard is pretty much silent on what constitutes a valid locale name; only that passing an invalid locale name …

c++ windows locale
Format numbers as currency in Python

I learn from Currency formatting in Python, use the locale module to format numbers as currency. For instance, #! /usr/bin/…

python locale currency-formatting
Localized (short) month names using IntlDateFormatter in PHP?

On my Windows development machine, I have set the locale to ita: setlocale(LC_TIME, 'ita'); echo strftime('%b'); // …

php datetime localization locale intl
How to set collation for a connection in SQL Server?

How can i set the collation SQL Server will use for the duration of that connection? Not until i connect …

sql-server sql-server-2005 locale globalization collation