Top "Locale" questions

In computing, locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.

manpath: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct

I just installed terminator terminal emulator on my linux mint. for some reason I don't understand, it sets my password …

How to validate a locale in java?

I read a file in an application that specifies a language code: public void setResources(String locale) { // validate locale // ULocale …

java locale
Java: Float Formatting depends on Locale

I live in Belgium. And generally, in mathematics, we write our decimals with a comma like this: 3,141592 And that is …

java formatting floating-point locale
Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment

I downloaded Quokka Python/Flask CMS to a CentOS7 server. Everything works fine with command sudo python3 runserver …

python-3.x centos locale redhat python-click
Various country's "currency decimal places width" in the iPhone-SDK

I read about NSLocaleCurrencySymbol, but where would I find the variable used to determine the "number of decimal places" used …

iphone localization locale currency
Difference between toLocaleLowerCase() and toLowerCase()

I was trying to fiddle with toLocaleLowerCase() and toLowerCase() methods. function ByLocale() { document.getElementById("demo").innerText.toLocaleLowerCase(); } function ByLower() { document.…

javascript html string localization locale
Android change and set default locale within the app

I am working on globalization of Android app. I have to provide options to choose different locales from within the …

java android localization locale globalization
C# How can I force Localization Culture to en-US for tests project

How to specify concrente Localization Culture for tests project in C# in VS2008? I'm building Asp .Net MVC app that …

c# unit-testing localization locale
How do you get System default font settings in Qt?

I am building a desktop app using Qt, my dev machine is win 7 x64 with japanese locale, standard system font …

qt windows-7 fonts locale qt4.7
How do I get current application locale?

I need to get current locale. Not user locale but my application locale. Let's say my application has two localizations (…

ios objective-c localization locale nslocale