Top "Locale" questions

In computing, locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.

How to get current locale of my environment?

Had tried following code in Linux, but always return 'C' under different LANG settings. #include <iostream> #include <…

c++ c locale
How do I change the locale that JasperReports uses?

The windows installed on my machine has the locale en_AU and that's what JasperReports uses. I already tried changing …

jasper-reports locale
Get available locales for text to speech (TTS)

I'm working on a text-to-speech implementation of a flashcard program. Text in different languages should be read out. In order …

android locale text-to-speech
How to get language (locale) currently Android app displays?

How to get know language (locale) currently Android app uses to display texts to user? I know I can use …

android localization locale
Date and time formatting depending on locale

I'm new to both Java and Android development so this might be a stupid question, but I've been searching for …

java android date formatting locale
Parsing a date with short month without dot

I have a String that represents a date in French locale : 09-oct-08 : I need to parse that String so I …

java locale date-format
How do I strftime a date object in a different locale?

I have a date object in python and I need to generate a time stamp in the C locale for …

python locale strftime setlocale
Adding/Removing the language entries in the "Settings" -> "Select Locale" from Android phone

My question: How can I add or remove the language entries in the "Settings" -> "Language & keyboard settings" …

android settings locale
Get country name from country code

I'd need to get the full country name from the country code. For example for Netherlands, I'd need the Netherlands …

android locale
Is there a way to get a timeZone with (only) a country code (valid ISO-3166 code)?

I'm trying to get a TimeZone for a user. For this I have a country code which is a valid …

java timezone locale country